Friday, November 2, 2012

Filming: T-Shirt Printer's and Voxpops

Today we went to Birkenhead Market and interviewed a woman who works in Image Printers. We asked them the same questions as we did to the man who worked in Desk Top Print, however, the woman's answers were a lot more detailed and interesting. She seemed a lot more enthusiastic about her job as a whole.

1. What are the different methods of printing T-Shirts?
2. Which method of T-Shirt printing is most effective and why?
3. Which method is most popular?
4. How do you work out how much to charge for each T-Shirt that you print?
5. On average, how many T-Shirts do you print a day?
6. What is the most unusual request that you have had to be printed onto a T-Shirt?
7. Where do you draw the line with what you print onto a T-Shirt?
8. How and why did you become a T-Shirt printer?
9. What is the best thing about your job?
10. What is the worst thing about your job?
11. Do you print any T-Shirts for yourself?
12. How many T-Shirts do you own?
13. Which is your favourite T-Shirt and why?

 Setting up

 During the interview

During the interview

Additionally, due to us having some time left before we needed to be back in school, we carried out a few more Voxpops. Unsurprisingly, just like the last time, only one person stopped for us. However, we got the answers that we needed.

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